Google Update Google Announces Changes to the Search Console API Infrastructure By Elinsys, 20th Aug 2020

Google announced that the API for Google Search Console is being upgraded. The API will be backward compatible and there will be no change in the scope or functionality. However, here are some of the changes we need to be aware of.

  1. Cloud Platform Dashboard: Google said that there will be some changes for the Cloud platform dashboard. Users should see a drop in the old API usage report and an increase in the new one.
  2. API key restriction changes: Google also said that if you had previously set API key restrictions, you might need to change them after this update. It’s only for those who had set restrictions for API keys.
  3. To check if you have an API restriction active on your API key, in the credentials page, make sure that Search Console API is not restricted. If you have placed restrictions for your API keys, ensure that you take action by August 31.
  4. If it is not restricted, your API calls will automatically be migrated to the new API infrastructure.
  5. Make sure that your API restrictions are set to ‘Don’t restrict key’.
  6. If the software service you are using or the service you built is querying the API using a third party API library or querying the Webmaster Discovery Document directly, you will need to update it by the end of the year.
  7. Google will drop support for Webmaster Discovery document next year. There will, however be guidance in the coming months.

So, if you have built your own software using the Google Search Console API, you must be aware of the changes and update as necessary.

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