Ecommerce Web Development Some Technology Advancements That Have Changed Traditional E-commerce Web Development By Elinsys, 02nd Sep 2015

With new and emerging technology innovations, the scope of e-commerce web development has increased manifold. Online shopping is getting more and more interesting due to the wide range of functionalities and features that can be added to the website. New and attractive features can be added to the ecommerce site for performing quick functions like online purchase and payment, adding products to wish list and exploring new products.   Therefore, it is necessary for retailers to maintain their online stores regularly with the latest technology updates.

Some technology advancements are listed below, which have changed the way of traditional ecommerce by making your store look special and better than your competitors.

Virtual appearance

Advanced technology ecommerce extension enables customers to try out various outfits, different styles, sizes and colours to see how they look before purchasing.  It gives customers the flexibility of making a selection from a wide category like clothing, accessories or jewellery.  It also removes the need for going to a shopping mall in order to clothes or shoes or any other item, to see how it looks. In this way customers can shop quickly and save their time too. With the help of an online platform, retailers have an opportunity to attract more and more customers. With the help of virtual trying and fitting, they can provide flexibility of customizing products as per customer needs before delivering.

The concept of virtual trying is simple and easy to implement for users, all they need to use it is a standard webcam and application integrated to particular web store, and then they can easily able to try out different products. Shoppers will be provided the flexibility of changing size, colours and designs of products as per their requirements and also can share them with friends and family to get reviews. This feature has truly brought a lot of increase in- sales for retailers via E-commerce platforms.

Online human service

Customers have got used to of traditional physical stores and its services. Services like greeting and complementing customers, giving suggestions for the best products, recommendations for some products and letting them know about offers on products are aspects which make customers fully satisfied with their shopping experience.

The latest technology trends allow online retailers and business owners to provide all these facilities in an effective and satisfactory manner.  There are number of technologies available that are developed to let you interact with your customers. These technologies will help you to interact with your clients, providing them guidelines of proceeding further and also will help them to create promotions for products.

Integrating Social Networking

People are staying social and sharing happenings of their life with the world via social networking.  It is very obvious that shoppers are going to believe in opinions of people who are really not concerned with them as that way they will be having an honest opinion which will help them to make a decision and purchase products.  We can say that integrating social media to online store is one way of letting people know about your business and getting popular. Social networking buttons for sharing, liking or twitting can increase traffic for your web store.

These are the most effective and important factors for E-commerce, which are helping retailers to make profit through their online stores. Developers should always integrate these features into any web store, while ecommerce website development services provider. So that it will be helpful to store owners to reach out their targeted audience and profit from it.

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