When you look for information on the internet, you automatically trust Wikipedia to provide you with accurate information. That is the power of its brand. With more than 4 M pages published and growing at a rapid rate, we realize its potential of being a valuable marketing resource. Well, at least Google sees it as a valuable resource of information and SEOs use it too.
Google ranks Wikipedia pages high in its search results – that’s an observation.
And why not? The information shared and the quality of content it maintains has gained a high degree of trust amongst readers – and now search engines too.
Search Engine Optimization can definitely benefit from Wikipedia pages. So, if you are looking at using Wikipedia pages to support your SEO efforts, here are a few things to keep in mind.
- Ensure that the pages you upload are informative. IF you go on and on about your company and other promotional matter – it will be frowned upon. Wikipedia will filter out and remove such pages. Facts and figures are encouraged and make your keywords to be more informational rather than promotional.
- Use accurate English and ensure there are no spelling mistakes or grammar errors. Well, content quality is what Wikipedia and in turn Google is going to look at.
- Google’s knowledge graph, as we know provides basic information about your web page / company to the right side when you move your cursor over the web link on the search results page. Well, Wikipedia is one of the resources that Google looks at – to get this information about your company. So ensure that your details are accurate, complete and useful for your customers. Having updated information on Wikipedia will bring you good results.
- Wikipedia is an independent encyclopedia. So, although it stands individually, it has gained a high level of trust for its content – as seen by readers and search engines. Using photographs and pictures makes your profile on Wikipedia more appealing. Mainly because Google’s Knowledge graph trawls images on Wikipedia for relevant images on your profile. A very good example would be – adding your company’s logo or a picture of the premises with the management team etc. Product pictures would also do you good.
- IF you do not have a Wikipedia page, it’s like missing out on a marketing opportunity. Reaching out to general information searchers and gaining trust of Search Engines is a part of the Search Engine Optimization process.
So, resources are plenty. Every Search Engine Optimization expert only needs to tap the right kind of resource to promote their business. Getting a Wikipedia profile will not take too much effort or maintaining valuable information on Wikipedia profiles is one activity that will ensure that you get quality visitors to your website too. Search Engine Optimization ranking factors are plenty. Quality content is a major one. So where ever you publish content about your company, never miss out on the quality factor!