Tech Update WhatsApp Pay Rolled Out – How does it work? By Elinsys, 21st May 2020

WhatApp Pay was initially launched in India in February 2018, as a part of a trial run. Payments through WhatsApp were introduced to million users with the partnership of ICICI Bank. However, the messaging app received NPCI’s approval to roll out its digital payment service in a phased manner on February 7, 2020. With this roll out, WhatsApp will be able to offer payment services to 10 million people.

WhatsApp pay is an in-chat feature that allows users to make transactions to their contact list via WhatsApp. This feature is UPI-based and it allows you to both send and receive money. It was developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).

How can users enable WhatsApp Pay?

To use WhatsApp Pay, users must initiate a payment to a contact. The request is received and the user can then set up a UPI account on WhatsApp.

How to use WhatsApp Pay?

With WhatsApp Pay, users can send money to each other directly through the chat feature. It is very simple, just like sharing a file – simply select ‘payment’. The payment section is also available on the shortcut menu. Users can check their transaction history and account details too using WhatsApp pay feature. The feature works on the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) method. The funds transfers can be initiated without having to provide bank account numbers and IFSC codes of recipients.

What are the modes of transactions?

With WhatsApp pay, it is necessary that the person you are sending the money to is in your contacts. After that it enables a UPI ID. WhatsApp users can then enter the UPI ID to send the money to their contact.

What about those who are not in the contact list?

WhatsApp has enabled UPI transactions for those who are in your contact list. For those who are not in the contact list can still be sent money. This is possible through the use of QR codes.


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